Animal Farm by George Orwell

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Animal Farm by George Orwell The animals on the farm were enraged. They knew the pigs had betrayed them, and they were prepared to get even. The next few days were the worst in the farms short history. The pigs had changed a lot in the eyes of the animals. Napoleon was no longer a leader but rather a traitor. All Squealer's beliefs had become worthless and were all seen as fake. The older animals were now assured that things had changed for the worse since Jones's days. This was the last straw in their eyes. Benjamin and Clover called for an urgent meeting between the animals that day. The pigs had fortunately been hung over from the late night boozing session, so it was the only real chance to gather all the animals, without alarm. "Today is Armageddon", roared Clover. "It is every animal's right to know that the pigs have betrayed us. They have taken our food, our friends, and our trust. We have a right to fight back. I dream of a land without pigs, a land full of animals worthy of freedom. The difference between dreams and accomplishments is purely desire". The animals were ready for war. They were prepared for a battle so devastating that it would end in many lost lives. Benjamin steps forward: " Animals, this is our last chance. We can either stay on this farm and be betrayed time and time again, or we can fight for a real cause. Being the oldest on this farm, I can tell you that the days under Jones's control weren't half as bad as now days. If the animals, who were also under Jones' control, could see the way that the pigs have treated their friends, they would be wrathful". Every animal young and old, wise and stupid roared together "Death to the scum". The animals sternly marched out onto the land. The plan was to attack the core of the pigs, 'the house'. Before they entered the house, Benjamin noticed that one of Mr. Pilkington's men had left

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