Animal Farm Satire

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Animal Farm by George Orwell is an excellent allegorical novel filled with many types of high comedy. The main idea of the story is to show how a communistic society doesn’t ever work the way you want it to. The humor in this story is used to make the book more entertaining and to move along the story. Irony is used in this story very often and it is subtle enough to not distract too much from the story which helps give it a nice flow. A fantastic example of irony in Animal farm is Squealer the pig. His name says it all he is a pig that won’t shut up. As stated in animal farm "All orders were now issued through Squealer,”(Orwell 57). Squealer is a character that seems like he could be funny if you haven’t read the book, but after you read the book you really start to appreciate how well crafted he is. George Orwell directly states that squealer is the kind of character that won’t stop talking by saying “Here Squealer's demeanour suddenly changed. He fell silent for a moment, and his little eyes darted suspicious glances from side to side before he proceeded.” (Orwell, ) Hyperbole is a type of comedy used to blow things out of proportion. Hyperbole is the type of comedy that just can’t be kept subtle and that is what makes it so effective. "The others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white," (Orwell, 11). Squealer wasn’t obviously wasn’t able to change the colors of things, but he was able to change people's viewpoints even to the polar opposite if he really …show more content…

George Orwell did an amazing job at putting humor into a story because it didn't distract from any of the main points. This book demonstrated what could happen if a group of people (or animals) tried to overthrow their government and start a communistic society. But, if you tried it and they leaders managed to stay fair it may work a little but

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