Satires In Animal Farm

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Intelligence of Secret Police
Many events that are happening now reminds people of what happened a long time ago because of books like Animal Farm. George Orwell, the author of Animal Farm, writes stories based off of real life events, however he uses different techniques to tell these stories. Through writing Animal Farm, Orwell uses satires and allegories, a form in which he uses animals, so the reader can relate the book to the Russian Revolution. Orwell also wants the readers to make connections to the real world, so the readers can understand that communism is still present. In the allegorical novel Animal Farm, George Orwell precisely portrays the spread of communism created by the KGB as well as North Korea’s State Safety and Security …show more content…

At this level of communism, the NKSA uses their strength to create fear on the Koreans, so that Kim Jong Un can have total power over North Korea. Many reporters stated that citizens were “taken against their will… [and the agency] …den[ies]…holding any[one]…” (Gusmaroli). Overall, the NKSA’s use of strength helps spread communism through creating fear to its citizens, because their force and number of people, which acted as their strength, allowed anything to happen anytime. Also, the NKSA have enough strength to keep secrets away from the world, which protects Kim’s power and gives the world fear that anything can happen at this point. Primarily, the NKSA don’t follow law of order , which terminates the privacy of North Koreans. For example, the NKSA helps with “maintaining prisons, conducting investigations of potential opponents of the regime” (Ransom and Pringle). Through the vision of a democratic society, the NKSA don’t follow law of order when they conduct investigations even when they don’t have enough proof on the people. This shows the destruction of privacy when NKSA randomly looks up someone’s information. So, NKSA creates communism, because the people have no say on their actions. Over all, the North Korean Secret Agency, KGB, and Napoleon’s dogs all prove to use their strength and consider not following the basic rules, which helps spread

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