Angelo State University Student Cover Letter

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To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter to my advisor, Miss Justine Salgado and the Dean of the Health and Human Services College, --- in order to appeal my academic suspension for the spring semester of 2015 at Angelo State University. I have been enrolled at Angelo State University for 3 semesters. I was not surprised but very disgruntled when I received the email from the registrar informing me of my academic standing at ASU. I am regretfully informing you that the most recent semester I received all failing grades. The courses that I was enrolled in are College Algebra1302, Developmental Psychology 2304, Anatomy Lab, Anatomy Lecture, and BCIS. I have always enjoyed learning but this semester proved to be more astringent than I …show more content…

In October both my grandfather and dad were almost simultaneously diagnosed with prostate cancer. <Expound upon this> Because of the financial strain, I committed myself to working a part time job at Radio Shack as well as being enrolled in school. When I began the job I had a lenient work schedule, however 2 employees quit leaving only three staff members. After this, all of our schedules became very constricting. After some reflection I realize it would have been in my best interest to quit as soon as it became a burden. I have terminated my employment with Radio Shack. During a conversation with my parents, we were dissecting the reasons why I may have done poorly this past semester. My mom and dad both agreed that I am a giver. The two describe a giver as someone who will put anothers need before their …show more content…

If a student fails a test, he/she will have a chance to retake it. If a homework isn’t turned in on time, a student still has a chance to turn the assignment in for a passing grade. Post-secondary education scoffs at these extravagances. By no means am I blaming the public education system, however I will state that coming into college has given me a little bit of a culture shock. Throughout out my high school years I only had one math teacher I feel still sincerely cared about his students, Mr. Lautenschlager. My junior year for Geometry I knew in order to do well I needed to attend the voluntary weekly tutorial sessions and he brought me up ot speed in the areas I struggled. He also aided me in preparing for the classes to come. The intimate environment really helped me. I have visited the Math Lab at ASU and it helped, but in order to really benefit from tutoring I should try the same set-up and develop a relationship with my professors. Before taking history 1301 and 1302 with ASU’s own Professor Ostrofsky history was my poorest subject. I found very few units interesting which made reading and coursework a struggle. However, Professor Ostrofsky managed to push me and make the subject matter stimulating. History isn’t one of my stronger subjects yet, but I don’t have a strong dislike for it like I used to. Ostrofsky taught me a few really good studying techniques for history and it was much appreciated. I appreciate professors

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