Angela Lee Duckworth Use Of Grit Summary

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Angela Lee Duckworth explains the purpose of using grit for education. Grit is a personality attribute that is obtained by students who express strong interest and hard work toward an objective away from disturbance and refusal. Why do people with plenty of experience mostly become unsuccessful to maintain their capability while other individuals with less experience proceed to accomplish fascinating tasks? Grit is the most beneficial element that we should provide for students because it’s useful for preventing distractions, using a growth mindset, and confronting failures. Duckworth’s argument on grit is about maintaining potential for students to be successful in school. According to Angela Lee Duckworth in the Grit TED Talk, “Grit is existing …show more content…

If an individual wants to become successful at anything, he/she must engage to preventing distractions and proceed when exams are scheduled. Students should determine anything that distracts them the most to keep away during study times. Duckworth stated that “Some of her highly intellectual students weren’t performing well enough”(1). Activities that are outside of study times may cause the intelligent students to be left behind, so students should put more effort for success. According to Ethan Ris in The Problem with Teaching Grit to Poor Kids, “Children raised in poverty show plenty of grit daily, and they don’t use it more often in school”(7). Ethan Ris explains about children in poverty will use the most amount of grit possible to fulfill their success in school ahead of time. I agree with Duckworth because students in lower class neighborhoods would struggle with certain distractions through rough environments and debts that left them behind in school. If grit is not used much in school, lower class students will have trouble dealing with social distractions at …show more content…

Success doesn’t only achieve itself on the students who are favored, praised, or hopeful. The ability is received for students putting enough effort to get experience. According to Duckworth, “The growth mindset is a concept created at Stanford University by Carol Dweck, and it is the idea that the skill to study is not fixed, that it can change with your achievement”(2). Students with a growth mindset are most likely to have a greater experience from making improvements with practice than those with a fixed mindset. According to Anya Kamenetz in the new critique of grit, “Conscientiousness is an attribute that is controlled by some unknown mixture of genetics and environment”(33). Kamenetz views that thoroughness is a fixed mindset for students to determine whether they remained to fail or succeed. I agree with Duckworth because grit can be used as a growth mindset to focus on the progress that students can improve on

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