Ancient Egyptian Astronomy

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Ancient Egyptians were the first of many to study and observe astronomy. The people built their way of life around what they saw and what they discovered. Many of the first man made objects were based on celestial events such as the stone circles in Nabta Playa, Egypt. This stone circle was proof that the Ancient Egyptians had some type of calendar, which is currently the calendar we use today. It was based on the lunar cycle. It is a cycle of 12 months with three seasons of four months to balance with the Nile River. A 24-hour cycle was created and they used a sundial to tell the time. The Egyptians used the stars to tell their night time because certain stars appeared at certain times of the night. (1) Ancient Egyptians built their …show more content…

The stars helped influence the creation of the Egyptian calendar but also their beliefs involving life after death. The Egyptians believed that the soul would rise to the sky and become a star in the heavens. Tombs were painted a dark blue-black color to represent the sky and little dots to represent the stars so that the soul would feel more at home since it will stay there forever. The stars were known as the “Followers of Osiris”. Those followers were the souls in the underworld, which were the stars. The Egyptian symbol for a star was a five-pointed line drawings, making them look like starfish from the red sea. This is the current symbol that many adolescents and other individuals draw to represent stars. Ancient Egyptians believed that getting into heavens was a test from the gods. In order to enter heaven you must prove yourself before meeting Osiris. A person must pass the test of order and justice in order to prove him or herself. If their actions were not good enough then once they die they would reincarnate to earth and try again. The Ancient Egyptians created maps of paradise and the underworld so that the Pharaohs had a guide after death. They viewed afterlife as another earth and just a continuation of what they were doing while living. …show more content…

They believed that in order to travel to the heavens and the underworld they must go by water and in the boat that Ra traveled in. During the day, Ra represented strength but when the sunset Ra represented weakness. Ra was believed to be the central god and was the creator of everything. The Egyptians perceived Ra with a falcon head and a sun disc with a cobra on it. Solar temples were built on Ra’s behalf. The earliest temple built is called the Benu-Phoenix and it is believed to have been built in the exact spot Ra created himself in. (4) The Ancient Egyptians were so precise with their studies and observations it resulted in systems that is used in modern society. Egyptian astronomers created the 12 month and 24 hour day system. They created an accurate calendar that is still in place today. This system reflects the seasonal cycle and our everyday

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