Analyzing The Movie 'Hero'

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During the Qing Dynasty, in China, one man’s attempt to unify the country under one law, one language, and one king can be depicted in the movie “Hero”. The movie was well developed and the Cinematography was exceptional. This movie is one of my favorite films of all time due to the intense action scenes and the director’s special attention to the emotion portrayed by the actors. Director Zhang Yimou, once again, creates an enjoyable experience while viewing this film. Deviating from his normal routine of portraying the past leaders of history in a questionable light he insinuates that the well-known tyrant of the Qing Dynasty is not as bad as most people prefer to remember him. The title of this movie is “Hero” which makes the viewer …show more content…

These colors also helped the viewer understand the intended emotions of the current view of the story that Wuming initially told to the king. My favorite color screen that was used was red. During the portion of the film that had the red screen and where all of the actors were wearing the passion of the actors showed immensely. Whether the red was depicting the passion between the assassin warriors or the old lovers it helped the viewer to connect with how the actors were feeling and why they may have done some of the things that were not so easily deciphered without the assistance of the color screens. The only thing that made this movie somewhat difficult to follow was the wide variety of colors used in other scenes of the movie. Some of the colors have different meanings in western culture then they do in the Chinese culture such as blue, which creates an understanding of sadness or loneliness in western culture but I guess in Chinese culture is portrays wisdom and breadth of knowledge. My lack of understanding with regard to the cultural concept of color did not take away from the enjoyability of the film, as a whole. Seeing the characters all in the same color kind of made the characters seem as though they had planned their wardrobe choices out collectively the day prior to fighting which …show more content…

This could have been intentional to act as a sort of tell and that is how the king knew he was lying when he told the first story about how he killed the assassins. I did have difficulty understanding how the king knew that Wuming was lying and wish the king spent more time clarifying how he knew Wuming was making the whole story

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