Analyzing Erikson's Oral Stages

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1.The infant is smiling and enjoying the attention of his caregiver which shows trust and comfort. 2. The infant looks uncomfortable and suspicious of his caregiver, suggesting mistrust. • In this stage, Erikson identified the dilemma of trust where infants learn to develop trust in their caregivers when constant, reliable care from their primary caregivers. If not, a child develops mistrust that affects his/her future relationships. • Nurture plays a role in stage 1 more than nature. The quality of care provided by the primary caregiver dictates the formation of trust or mistrust in a child. • Freud’s Oral Stage focuses on providing a child with nurturing and satisfaction of his/her appetite. A failure to satisfy these needs leads to neurosis …show more content…

Their goal is to develop symbolic thought and move beyond their egocentrism and learn to reason outside their own viewpoints. • The child is proud of her achievements in academics and sports. She shows self-confidence. • 2. The boy looks nervous and insecure while awaiting the result of his exam. He is fearful of the opinion of the teacher grading his paper. • In stage 4, Erikson focuses on the ability of a child to develop competence and feel confidence in his/her ability to attain goals and tasks. Self-doubt is developed when a child is not able to meet the challenges of this stage if adults do not provide enough encouragement or are too overbearing at this stage, stifling the child’s ability to be independent and confident. • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs identify the fourth level of needs are the esteem needs or the need to be respected and recognized. Individuals have the need to be recognized for their ability, skills, and achievement. Those who do not satisfy this need will develop a sense of inferiority. • The young man is very happy because he knows his purpose and his path in life. He has graduated from high school and is confident that he will be able to succeed in his goals and achieve his …show more content…

They face the challenge of identifying their place in society, their own personal identity, and direction in life. Young people who are able to overcome this dilemma would develop a sense of identity, direction, and purpose. This stage is influenced by the person and others around him. • Piaget’s formal operational stage describes the individual’s ability to understand abstract concepts, solve complex problems, and reason logically. Individuals in this stage of development are able to understand hypothetical concepts and metacognition, going beyond one’s own experience as a source of knowledge. • The people in the photo are happy and they have close ties with each other. • 2. The woman is shown as being alone in the crowd. She is physically and emotionally far from the people around her and seems to be alone. • Erikson’s developmental 6th stage is mainly influenced by nurture because it involves the challenge of forming intimate, close, and loving relationships with others. People who overcome the challenge of this stage develop the virtue of love and form happy relationships with others while those who do not develop a fear of commitment and lack of

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