Analysis of The Human Factor Article

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The Human Factor article states that drug abuse cost a lot of money financially in economic loss; and it is simply heartbreaking. In this article addiction is characterized as a brain disease. Sally Satel says that the world needs to stop worrying about addiction being specified as a brain disease and start focusing on how to stop this addiction. She believes that addicts have the power to reshape their own lives and in doing this they can stop addiction. Americans who abuse drugs affect the world economically and a lot of them end up homeless, unemployed, or catching a disease.
A psychiatrist in a methadone clinic in Northeast Washington, D.C. works with patients who are addicted to drugs. Some of her patients suffering from addiction often ask if they can be hypnotized in to stopping the drug that they are addicted to. They also wish that they could have anti addiction pills.
The concept of brain disease sends a risky health message to the public. It suggests that medical treatment cure is used to control addict’s behaviors. Next, it misappropriates the language used to describe conditions. For example, sclerosis is not started by the person it is just something that occurs. Lastly, it implies that addicts can never free themselves from their drug addiction. The scientists from the mid 1990s who classified addiction as a brain disease had a good idea. They were trying and hoping to raise money for the treatment of addicts.
“According to Volkow and other neuroscientists, “ ‘brain disease’ ” refers to disruptions in the brain’s motivational and reward circuitry that result from the cumulative effect of repeated use of certain substances.” Drug use that started out slow builds up and becomes harder and harder to control to t...

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...oblem. In her literature she says she has never met a clinician who thinks like this. Their primary focus is on treatment of the person not the brain.
In conclusion, Sally says that she does not believe in the concept of addiction being classified as a brain disease. She agrees that addiction is developed through the dopamine system and high activation of dopamine makes it harder for addicts to quit. Behavior is the problem and behavior can be changed according Sally. Addiction is stated as “a condition in which people engage in damaging and compulsive use of mind- altering substances.” Finally, as a psychiatrist she wil continue to treat the patient and not the brain.

Works Cited

Satel, Sally. "The Human Factor." American
. 10 Jul 2007: 1-10. Print. contents/the-human-factor-2>. (Satel

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