Analysis Of 'Where Peace Comes From'

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Christian faith adamantly states that the belief in one God will set you on the path to inner peace and true happiness. Christians, Ancius Boethius and Susan C. Stark, agree that the acceptance of God and his teachings is the only way to achieve peace and happiness. Boethius writes about his own wavering path to happiness in The Consolations of Philosophy. Lady philosophy, like Jesus, teaches Boethius what the true “goods” of the world are, that God has complete control and knowledge, evil has no real substance and ultimately, that through God, he can attain true happiness. Susan C. stark parallels these teachings in her article, Where peace comes from. The many interrelating ideas of Boethius and Stark’s works shed light on the Christian values, teaching and essentially, the path to happiness. Where peace comes from, by …show more content…

Stark asserts, “Peace isn’t a commodity that can be bought or even coerced. An inner desire for peace has to be in the individual hearts of the warring parties.” Therefore, anything that can be taken away was never truly in one’s possession. This is in exact accordance to what Lady Philosophy is trying to teach Boethius: “ you will realize that you neither had, nor have lost, anything of worth through your association with [Lady Fortune]” (Boethius 19). Furthermore, Boethius is told that he has “no right to complain as if [he has] lost what is indisputably [his]” (Boethius 21). Lady Philosophy reminds Boethius that returning something you were lent is no reason to grieve. “If happiness is the highest good of a rational nature, and if what can be taken from you in any way cannot be the highest, it is obvious that the fluidity of Fortune cannot hope to win happiness” (Boethius 27). The only thing of true value cannot be taken away for you. Therefore, true happiness comes form within ones self and is eternal; his only true possession is his

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