Analysis Of The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model

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Competing Competing is assertive and uncooperative which is the “win-lose” approach. In competing, people pursues his or her own concerns at the other person’s expense, they act in a very assertive way to achieve the goals and without seeking to cooperate with the other party (Thomas and Kilmann 2001). In this power-oriented mode, people tend to monopolising, not listening, attacking, exaggerating, and pushing for what they want as well as using whatever power seems appropriate to win their position. People in competing also standing up for their rights, defending a position they believe is correct, and fighting their corner for their teams needs(Meier 2011). It may be seen as insensitive to others and selfish and their behaviour may seem to undermine trust and goodwill. In the movie “Outsourced”, Phuru and other employees of USA’s call center team lack of time sensibility, they chattiness on the phone while service the customer. However Todd on the other hand, want them to avoid chattiness with customer and continue pressure them to achieve a lower MPI rating In this situation, Todd act in a very assertive way to achieve the goals and without seeking to cooperate with the Indian workers can be concluded that he is inline of competing approach in the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model. Besides that, there is a …show more content…

Such as, Todd acts in a very assertive way to achieve the goals to lower MPI rating and without seeking to cooperate with the Indian workers.On the other hand for Phuru and the others workers have the cultural profile of low power distance, relationship- focus cultures, and individualism is inline of the accommodating style in the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model. Such as Asha accommodate to Todd finally call him at the end of movie after Todd back to

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