Social Conflict Theory And Sociological Analysis Of Django Unchained

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Intro: For this particular assignment I have chosen the movie Django Unchained, which is a fantastic movie and I recommend it to anyone who has not yet seen it. I chose the movie Django Unchained because I believe that it exhibits the sociological theories we have covered in many different ways; and I believe that every person would apply these specific sociological theories in their own ways. The two sociological theories that I plan to apply to the movie Djano Unchained are, social conflict theory and symbolic interaction theory.
In 1858, in Texas, the former German dentist Dr. King Schultz meets the a chain of slaves on a solitary road while being escorted by the slave traders, the Speck Brothers. Schultz then proceeds to ask …show more content…

The symbolic interaction theory came from George Herbert Mead during the 1920s; Mead explains this theory to be when someone or society bases their thoughts or meanings of things simply off what they have been told, their experiences, or what they have been taught. So in other words people attach their own belief or meaning onto a symbol and act according to their belief or meaning they have attached to the said symbol. For example, my favorite food could be a hot dog until someone walks up and tells me that it has pieces of pig eyes in it, then it ruins the food for me. This happens because I will have that symbol of pig eyes attached to hot dogs until it is changed again. The symbolic interaction theory applies to this movie in the sense of race, ethnicity, and morals. The morals come into place when Django is hired by Dr. Schultz to accompany him during the winter and he is trying to train Django to kill, but Django is hesistant to pull the trigger because he believes killing people is wrong. This belief is quickly changed when Dr. Schultz explains to Django what the men that he is trying to kill did. Throughout the movie Django has many racial slurs thrown at him for things like riding a horse, or entering a town 's saloon. He is on the receiving end of these slurs because the white people have attached the meaning of “slave” to the african americans and see them no other …show more content…

This was a very real thing that was present in this era of America; whether people recognize it or not it still exists in today 's society. I agree with what Abraham Lincoln said during his speech to the 14th Indiana regiment during the Civil War, “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” I feel like that falls under the symbolic interaction theory, because if the slavery was tried on the people that thought it was right or needed then they would change their opinion quickly based off their experience like all the slave owners and such in the

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