Analysis Of The Hidden Ways Microfinance Hurts Women

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In Africa, the majority of poor people are women. Women are expected to live off of their husband’s money and not make their own income, but when families can't support each other there's really no other choice. Many women are using micro-loans from banks in Africa to help them start a business and eventually make enough money to support their family. Elizabeth Matsangou states that “80% of microfinance institutions poorest clients are women who live on less than 1.25$ a day”. These micro-loans are empowering women by starting businesses to make their own money and not have to live off their husbands or other male relatives and women are being seen as an important part of the family by husbands and kids. Lastly, women can use the money from …show more content…

When a woman takes out a loan, 5% can not always pay it back which is crucial. Based off of “The Hidden Ways Microfinance Hurts Women”, Lamia Karim explains that “Women who cannot repay a loan are subjected to public shaming by the entire community of borrowers, who are pressured hard by microfinance institutions to recover or repay the defaulted sum themselves, lest they risk losing access to future loans.” Basically, the author is telling the reader that women who are not able to pay back loans are given consequences, potentially ruining their life by not being able to take out a future loan. On the other hand, women who can pay back their loans do well for themselves. For example, from chapter 21 of Geography Alive, Margaret Saajjabi came from a poor family where she couldn't get an education. She started her micro-enterprise by selling laundry soap and bottled soft drinks. Saajjabi now supports her 6 children and 19 nieces and nephews with an education and much more. Micro-loans can be dangerous to a woman's life if they can not come up eight he money to pay off their loan, but the women that can often become successful. 95% of the women can pay back their loans and hopefully start a healthy micro-enterprise to help the impoverished nation, thus making them more

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