Analysis Of Stephen Hansen's But, Is It Art

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The piece of art that I examined at Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and will be discussing in this paper is a piece created by Stephen Hansen called “But, is it Art?”. This piece of art was produced in 2011 and was created with a mixture of papier-mâché, acrylic on canvas, and mixed media. “But, is it Art?” displays two painters painting large, abstract, red and orange rectangles. One of the painters is sitting on top enjoying his coffee while the other painter is hanging from the scaffolding. This piece of art can be seen on the following page in Figure 1. I believe Stephen Hansen is trying to communicate the idea that when working with others there is always that one guy in the group that doesn’t do any work, sits back enjoying his coffee, and talking to others while the rest of the group is doing all the work. The engineering content in this piece can be seen through the design. The design of “But, is it Art?” uses papier-mâché to create 3-D figures that look like humans painting attached to a canvas. These human figures are detailed with all the features of a living human. The engineering design that can also be seen in this piece of art is the balancing of the scaffolding with the man standing on it. Stephen …show more content…

The management system model can be seen in this piece art through the guy sitting on the ledge. The guy sitting on the ledge is who manages and he is managing the guy painting on the scaffolding and he is using his personal perception to determine how well the painter is doing. Also, the leadership style that the guy on the ledge is using is telling from Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard Management of Organizational Behavior. This piece of art depicts that guy sitting on the edge telling the guy on scaffolding how to do his job and making sure the job gets

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