Analysis Of Rumors Of Hillary Clinton's Comeback By Frank Bruni

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2016 was a disappointing year for many Americans. This was majorly due to the presidential election and Donald Trump’s unexpected victory. The habitants of this country fumed with anger and fear after the event; however, many have chosen to accept the circumstances and it will be best to unite and work together. Following Hillary Clinton’s defeat, one could say she went into hiding, as we did not see much of her for the rest of the year. In the Op-Ed entitled “Rumors of Hillary Clinton’s Comeback”, Frank Bruni hypothesizes what would happen if Clinton were to run to be the mayor of the city of New York. Throughout the passage, Bruni uses rhetorical strategies such as irony, logos, and metaphor to develop his argument. The essay commences with a comedic tone that is established in the introduction and continues until the conclusion. Bruni continues to argue what Hillary Clinton would do as mayor of New York, especially what she would do to get her revenge from Donald Trump. Clinton would, according to Bruni, make sure that “City health inspectors fan out through Trump’s hotels, writing citations for clogged drains in the kitchens and expired milk in the minibars.” Moreover, the author explains that Clinton would have more influence than Trump when dealing with the United Nations. He later utilized irony to …show more content…

He stated “The Times weighed in on Thursday, noting that speculation about a Clinton candidacy had been “bubbling up for weeks” and was intensifying”, suggesting that although he was simply fantasizing, there is a possibility that Clinton might run for mayor of New York. Later, however, the speaker mentioned that neither of his sources suggested that Clinton would follow through with this, and he did not believe it would happen. He expressed his belief by using a telegraphic sentence in which he stated “so does my gut”, referring to the fact that “well-connected Democrats assure me that it won’t

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