Analysis Of Paulo Freire's The Pedagogy Of The Oppressed

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My mind was empty and full of boredom, and the only way to satisfy this void was to draw. It was midday at my house, and my four-year-old attention span was not able to handle not drawing. I scurried around my parent’s office looking for the holy grail of colors and found it in the waxy smell of Crayola crayons: a magnificent, bright, and vivid pack of 12 colors. I began my search for the last piece of the puzzle--the white copy paper to draw on. Searching for what seemed like forever (most likely a minute), I gave up and began another exploration. I scouted for my mom, who I found talking to someone on the phone and too busy to help me. This dilemma became a devastating blow. With no one to help me look for paper, I needed to take action and …show more content…

This writing goes into an in-depth discussion of how students are not receiving the education they truly deserve, but are instead having mindless noggin’s for teachers to put their own ideas into. Freire says “But since people do not exist apart from the world, apart from reality, the movement must begin with the human-world relationship”(page 66). He is trying to explain to understand others, people must first experience the world in a way by exercising their own creativity because “Only through communication can human life hold meaning” (page 58). He is trying to allow a supportive way that both teachers and students need to re-create an understanding to continue a relationship and establish knowledge. Yet, it is hard to create something like this because no one can be open to an idea of allowing students to go on their own. He states, “No one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so”(page 66). With this quote he brings to light the truth that oppressors use what they think is morally correct in society to still keep its status quo because it benefits them. Just as in a sense that my art college wants to reap the benefit from college students to take pointless classes, even though they do not help them with their

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