Analysis Of Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist

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Everyone has a different perspective on life, it can help shape how I live my life, and how I perceive things. By thinking positive, and tuning out some of the negatives in my life, I can further succeed on my path to achieve my dreams. By listening to my heart, which continuously tells me what I truly desire in life, and not listening to society and other people’s opinions, it helps me get that much closer to finding out what my goal and purpose is. If we are really focusing on persevering, and not only using the tools and resources we are given, but finding and creating new ones to help guide the way for us, we can truly find what we desire. I believe that we all have a purpose that is unique for each and every one of us, and if we try hard …show more content…

I will not compromise my responsibilities and school work because of a feeling of sadness. I will make an effort to always be putting 110% of myself into everything I do, while never forgetting my family, and education needs. “The secret to happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” (Coelho 32). For me, the drops of oil on the spoon represent my other relationships, family, and my education. While having things going on in an isolated relationship, I can never forget to continue my relationships and caring for my other loved ones such as friends and family. Santiago has this same feeling throughout the whole novel, where event throughout his journey to find his treasure at the Pyramids of Egypt, he tried to keep his sheep which are the equivalent to my responsibilities, until he was unable to continue on his journey with them by his side. I will not only strive to accomplish my goals, and better myself, but I will always remember the oil on the spoon. Therefore, throughout reading Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, the three lessons that give me a whole new perspective on life, are the quotes about listening to your heart, focusing on living in the present, and most importantly, never forgetting the oil on the spoon. I have learned to always appreciate the people in my life, by not only showing them, but letting them know. I will focus on keeping my priorities

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