Analysis Of Over Simplification By William Golding

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The story of man

Our hands stained with the tears of our brethren.We tread on a path that we claim is righteousness.We become blind fooled by our own thoughts. We hide in our land smothered in fantasy of success, becoming what is desired by our own selves. As some cloud their thoughts while others remain clear but are still drenched by the sin of man. This path of success has left a shell of those it has consumed their shadows left to take their place. In the text “Lord of the flies” by William Golding and “Over Simplification”by Steve Taylor they indicate that humans have the potential to commit evil acts but are not born with a strong will to fully commit to evil itself.When a person commits a horrendous act it all stems from what they were exposed to and how this impacted their mental state and their morals as they continue to grow. …show more content…

man also has the potential to be just.Those who lead vainly take part in the quest to demolish any sense of purity. Hitler,Francisco Franco,Stanley Milgram,and Ted Bundy.Iconic criminals and dictators share an uncanny amount of determination to cause suffering to other people. In an article released by Steve Taylor he stated that“It's a dangerous oversimplification to believe that some people are Innately good while others are innately bad”(TAYLOR1) By placing people into two categories we leave out the gray area in between.The human mind is more dynamic than merely “good” and “bad”. When we ignore what lead to the criminal to make those decisions,we are left with a narrow depiction of what people are capable of

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