Analysis Of Objection To Augustine's Key Premises

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Freedom of choice
Augustine argued that all things that come from God are good. He based his argument on the premise that because God gave men a free will, evil, therefore comes from the choice that they make. He effectively argues that if all things that come from God are good, then free will is one of them and its use that differentiate good from evil. Lots of opposition about this comes from many spheres, which regard the problem of evil. This essay will seek to analyze the mistakes that are evident in these objections and thus support the Augustine’s view that all actions come from the use or movement of will and therefore, good things spring from the right use or the movement of it.
Objection to Augustine’s Key Premises
God created people and let them free to choose their actions. These actions are the ones that bear …show more content…

On reflection, his conscience reminds him of the need to do well and this causes him to regret and to resolve to do well. However, due to this free will, man goes back do doing bad deeds while effectively practicing his free will. According to Brown (2005), God's grace is the one way that shows us that God wishes men to avoid sin and this is Augustine’s teaching that sin does not originate from him but rather on men who were given a free will to do as they wished.
The wrong use/movement of free will bears sin and creates a gap between God and man. God’s will and that of men forever interact through the conscience. To do good therefore requires the surrender of man’s will in search of perfection and God’s will of humankind to do well and connect them to Him. This, according to Brown (2005), gives men an effective part of participating in their redemption. The Christian philosopher, Augustine, continues to say that god’s grace and love for humankind shows itself in His actions of sending prophets to help remind them of his concerns for

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