Analysis Of Nomophobia

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Drevin Shafer Synthesis/Analysis Essay Do You Have Nomophobia? It is in your pocket right now, or at least within five feet of you; it is your cell phone. One of the most dangerous distractions to this day. Some look at it every five minutes, some sneak a peek every couple hours or maybe even every five seconds. The thing is, everyone has a little nomophobia (the fear of being out of contact with your mobile phone). How have cell phones affected adolescents in this country? The two texts I have chosen to help me answer this question have the same view, the presentation of the information is just slightly different. The first text is titled “Help! I Can’t Put Down My Phone,” this was written by Margaret Kaminski. This text focuses on the brain inducing chemicals that these cellular devices place in our bodies. It relays its information in a fairly elementary way through the use of pictures, large font and cartoons but is nevertheless, a powerful article. The second article I chose is the “Analysis Of Technology Ownership And Selective Use Among Undergraduates.” …show more content…

Kaminski addresses the problem with accounts from various teenagers; getting it straight from the source. She wanted to know how often they use their phones a day. One of the students said that she feels stressed with and without her phone. Kaminski says it is a lose lose because you would be better off without your phone but all of the false hope and joy it gives you is to much to let go of. Diamanduros, Jenkins, and Downs address the problematic question with a very original solution; they performed their own study. Using their results they came to the same conclusion as Kaminsky; they just went about it in a different way. Honestly, the only similarity is their conclusion and belief that cell phones cause extreme distraction and time consumption. Otherwise, these two texts are polar

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