Analysis Of Native Guard, Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus And Fun Home

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Many of the works have proven to show how the representation is different from the truth or reality. Native Guard, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, and Fun Home all contain this idea. The author uses their representation to reveal the reality of a situation. Natasha Trethewey uses poems to convery her thoughts, Brugel uses imagery, and Bechdel uses a comic book to reveal the truth behind their representations. In a specific poem, Trethewey discusses how on the outside anything can look beautiful, but after examining deeper things can actually turn out to be worse. Bruegel uses his painting to describe how society appears to be, but actually is. Bechdel uses the idea of “artifice” and reality to reveal the truth about her father. In …show more content…

Through this idea, Trethewey explains how this photograph looks beautiful on the outside, but actually reminds her of all the suffering that happened inside during the storm. The photograph only captures the surface level, while below it is other problems. The ugly parts are hidden behind the beauty to attempt to hide it from others. Trethewey describes the storm that forces her family into the house for days, then moves to describe all the damage the storm has done outside and to her family. A couple lines that truly stand out are, “why on the back has someone made a list / of our names, the date, the event: nothing / of what’s inside – mother, stepfather’s fist?” (Trethewey). Through these lines, Trethewey reveals the abuse that happened in her home during the ice storm. The photograph captures …show more content…

Appearance versus reality played a major role in the relationship between Bechdel and her father. When Bechdel goes to college and realizes that she is a lesbian, she decides to live with her true sexuality. While speaking to her mother about her own sexuality, Bechdel finds out her father is gay and has had many affairs with men. Bechdel is upset that her father never decided to live and accept his reality. Bechdel believes her and her father might be able to find a way to connect around their homosexuality and develop a better relationship. Instead, Bechdel’s father chooses to live behind appearance to hide the truth and be accepted by society. From her father’s appearance, no one ever truly knows the truth about her family and their lives. As a result of Bechdel’s father not coming out, it builds a barrier between him and Alison. Bechdel calls her father an artificer because he has carefully crafted his whole life, which is a complete lie. Her father has been hiding his identity so no one knows it was there. Appearance hinders the possibility of developing a cohesive relationship between Bechdel and her father. Bechdel views the relationship between “artifice” and reality as negative because “artifice” hid the reality the would have allowed herself a better relationship and life with her father. She blames the idea of “artifice” for not allowing her to have a good relationship with her

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