Analysis Of Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers

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In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers, (2011) the author presents his readers with a series of exceptional individuals and cultures, discussing the abilities that facilitate their rise to power or notoriety. Taking the audience on an exploration of “hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to…make sense of the world in ways that others cannot” (19), Gladwell provides a flow chart for the understanding of seemingly exceptional entities. Defense Secretary James Mattis is a present-day example of an outlier and, true to Gladwell’s theories, his rise to power is heavily influenced by familial and organizational cultures. In Outliers (2011), Gladwell covers various potential advantages of individuals …show more content…

Using a behavioral study of the people of Appalachia (167), Gladwell illustrates that heritage plays a major role in behavior patterns over the span of generations. The cultural roots of Appalachian people reside in the “clannish” (167) cultures of the British Isles, where “tight family bonds…and… loyalty to blood” (167) were of paramount concern. Secretary Mattis does not hail from Appalachia, but instead combines roots in a biological family that values academia with a second, organizational family in the United States Marine Corps. Both of these groups heavily influence Mattis and his rise to …show more content…

"The Warrior Monk." The New Yorker, May 29, 2017, 34. Literature Resource Center (accessed October 30, 2017). Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers : The Story of Success. First Back Bay Paperback ed. 2011. Powell, Bill. "Meet The Parents." Newsweek Global 169, no. 7, September 2017, 16-23. MasterFILE Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed December 2, 2017). "The Creative, Unpredictable, and Terrifying (to Enemies) Genius That Is Mad Dog." USA Today Magazine 145, no. 2860, January 2017, 17. MasterFILE Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed November 20, 2017). Terriff, Terry. 2006. "Warriors and Innovators: Military Change and Organizational Culture in the US Marine Corps." Defence Studies 6, no. 2: 215. Advanced Placement Source, EBSCOhost (accessed November 28, 2017).

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