Analysis Of Good To Great By Jim Collins's Good To Great

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The distinctions and interrelationships of Psychology and Business pose important questions and deepen our understanding and potential for solutions and breakthrough ideas. Being Wrong by Kathryn Schulz is about our obsession with being right and how the relationship of error and transformation can teach us about who we are. Good To Great by Jim Collins analyzes the histories of twenty-eight companies discovering the key elements of greatness and why some companies make the leap and others do not. The challenges individuals face when they err are vital towards their understanding of the importance of searching and learning from our mistakes. The internal, emotional component of disparity, surprise, confusion, embarrassment, amusement, anguish, remorse, and delight may result from wrongness, but the force to face up to error is ours alone. By studying every area of management strategy and practice, Collins believes the transition from good-to-great lies within having the right people who will do the right thing to deliver the best results for the common good of the company. Level 5 leaders are ambitious, disciplined, and diligent but “first and foremost for the company, not themselves” (Collins 39). Error is central to our lives and “our mistakes are part and parcel of our brilliance” (Schulz 121). One must “face up to [their] wrongness in the faith that, having learned something, [they] will get it right the next time” (Schulz 339). “Managing your [individual] problems [by confronting error] can only make you good where as building your opportunities [based on the mistakes one has made] is the only way to become great” (Collins 59). Acceptance, openness, and reliance of oneself offer the potential of one to evolve into a Level 5 ...

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...ns 100). Colman understood the importance of having a positive outlook on life to better acknowledge our changing minds and everyday errors. The decision Colman decided to make to face the threats that were made towards Gillette head on were not a mistake, but an opportunity to learn and grow. If he had chosen to pursue the sell out, “the company, its customers, and the shareholders would have been ill served” (Collins 24). To “retain faith that you will prevail in the end and confront the most brutal facts of current reality” (Collins 86) is essential to generate excellence and greatness. Level 5 leaders, like Colman, may not “know where [they] should take [their] company, but [they] do know that if [they] start with the right people, ask them the right questions, and engage them in vigorous debate, [they] will find a way to make [the] company great” (Collins 45).

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