Analysis Of Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

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In the video “Fracking Hell: The Untold Story” by Link TV explains how natural gas has been a huge problem not only for the earth in general but for everyone and everything living in it. The video explains how North East of Pennsylvania is having difficulties to conserve a healthy environment and people. North East of Pennsylvania is the main sources to extract gas and send it throughout the United States for gasoline and so on. However, this action is wonderful for the cost of gas, but has a huge impact on the environment and the people living in Pennsylvania. A lot of people in this state are worried having health issues because everything is not usable is being thrown out to the rivers where they get their fresh water.
Natural gas is very dangerous, especially when the health of people is the main problem. The side effects of natural gas, according to Tox Town the article points out “oxygen can be reduced, causing dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headache, and irregular breathing” and even “death”. Pennsylvania is suffering in a tremendous way people are not consuming water like they used to. In fact, the video from Fracking Hell: The Untold Story” have people explaining how their rivers and have yellow colors, and how strong the water smell. They cannot wash dishes, …show more content…

For example, a cow that is consuming intoxicating water the milk that is producing the humans are going to drink it and now is not only the cow being intoxicated, but the person consuming the milk. Leading to health issues, on top of that, pollution of the air because of the natural gasses the cars, truck, factories are thrown in the air. Ending with the person either getting really sick of intoxication or even death. The cow spreading this issue to everyone drinking milk and having the owner either to put him to sleep causing him to

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