Analysis Of Enrique's Journey

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Bestseller journalist, Sonia Nazario, in her literacy non-fiction, Enrique’s Journey, describes a young man’s journey trying to reconcile with his mother in the United States, but has to go through many obstacles to reach her. Nazario’s purpose is to inform readers about how immigration affects children and their mothers in Central America. She adopts an optimistic/determined tone in order to reveal to her readers the difficulty and bravery the children have to face to get to the United States. Nazario begins her credibility with ethos to retrace an abandon teenager’s journey through Central America, pathos to follow the mother son relationship, and logos by giving facts and statistics for illegal immigrants in the U.S. Nazario begins her literacy non-fiction by describing the journey of Enrique through Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Laredo, Texas. He faces lots of obstacles throughout the journey like getting robbed by bandits, beaten up by gangs, running away …show more content…

An example of this is “But Lourdes cannot face Enrique,” “It is January 29, 1989. His mother steps off the porch. She walks away. ‘¿donde esta mi mamá?’ Enrique cries, over and over. ‘Where is my mom?’ His mother never returns, and that decides Enrique’s fate.” (5) This shows the reader how important Lourdes was to Enrique. It made the reader feel sad for Enrique, and angry at Lourdes for leaving her children back home. I could also imagine Enrique crying all day, and screaming at the top of his lungs for his mother. This is the beginning of their rocky relationship. Another example is “Every year on Mother’s Day, he makes a heart-shaped card at school and presses it into her hand.” ‘I love you very much, Grandma,’ he writes. But she is not the mother.” (12) This part made me feel heartbroken. After reading that Nazario makes the reader feel sympathy towards Enrique. No child should go through this when they are growing

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