Analysis Of Connecting The Dots To Terrorism By Bernard Goldberg

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The article, written by Bernard Goldberg, begins by talking about how television is most often used as a diversion from reality. It is then discussed that television can become more than a diversion, such as in times of war, terror, or tragedy. Goldberg focuses on examples such as the Oklahoma City bombings as well as 9/11. It is then proclaimed that on days such as these, we all turn to our televisions, whether it be Peter Jennings addressing the nation about the attack on our freedoms, or the story of Timothy Mcveigh blowing up a federal building. Goldberg then questions the process of connecting the dots in times such as these. A path is created through the statements of several television reports, resulting in the vastly believed connection that conservatism leads to anti-government rhetoric which causes Timothy Mcveigh to bomb the building. The argument is made that the media uses many categories to connect the dots that align with their agenda. Such examples include race, religion, sex, age, and politics. Lastly, Goldberg calls all television networks to report evenly so that the American citizens can connect the dots free from outside influence. …show more content…

When a tragedy occurs, the first thing people turn to is their television. In an event such as a terrorist act, the first questions that arrive are responsibility, motive, influence, and all other aspects that could lead a person or a group to carry out such a horrific act of hate. The process of answering these questions is known as connecting the dots. Each individual aspect is put together to paint a picture revealing the full truth of what

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