Analysis Of China's Lost Girls

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In the film, we got to see the process of adoption of Chinese girls by American families. This process was a very long one, but we got to experience the final process of the child being brought into the American family 's life. This long process generally take about a year from the time you decide to adopt a child from China. This whole process by no means is free. The estimated amount of money that adopting a child abroad costs is between fifteen to twenty thousand dollar. This is a very large amount of money, or currency. The parents who are adopting the child most certainly have to be wealthy enough to afford this process. Currency as you can see plays a big role in this process of getting a child from China. The cost of the child is estimated …show more content…

The question is, why not China 's lost boys, as the name of film. The name of this film is due to the fact that the people of China prefer having a boy as a child. This is due to several factors involving the role of the male and female. One positive aspect of having a male enter into China 's population instead of having a women is the fact that men create the majority of their military. This does not mean that women can serve in the armed forces, but men are perceived as being stronger and more fit for this position. Another reason that men are viewed as a more positive role entering into China 's population is because women are said to be married away and then lose their family name. When in contrast men build their life around their family and if they decide to get married they keep the family name alive. These are two of the reasons men are perceived as better in China. This has created a patriarchy in China. The fact that there are so few females in China begins to cause other problems for the country. Once the men of today begin to mature and go out look for a mate to marry, they will most likely have a very hard time considering the lack of female population. This could possibly lead to human trafficking and prostitution throughout China to support the needs of the men. This type of activity is already going on in China, in the film, one man rescued one hundred women who were taken against their will. This women were bought by men who wanted them for either sexual favors, marriage, or both. 302

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