Analysis Of Black Like Me By John Howard Griffin

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Can’t Get Enough: How John Howard Griffin Is Unable to Understand the Daily Life of
Blacks in America and Racism Towards Blacks
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, author John Howard Griffin changed the color of his skin to test and experience the life of black people in America at the time. He soon discovered that there were many things he did not understand or expect about black life that shocked and surprised him. In the text Black Like Me, John Howard Griffin uses his thoughts and dialogue to portray the lack of understanding of life in the black communities and the racist treatment towards blacks from whites. This is done to demonstrate the clear divide between the lives that blacks and whites live.
John Howard Griffin struggles to understand …show more content…

It shows how the only way for white people to understand the life of blacks, is to live and be treated the same way as they are.
Throughout the text John Howard Griffin realiz
Parsamian 3 their sex lives. The fact that the man addressed the black community as “you people” shows the condescending and racist tones that are engraved in white culture against blacks. He is assuming that black people can “get away and “avoid conflicts” simply because of rumors and stories he has heard about blacks’ sexual lives. When the man states “Negroes don’t have much neuroses” he is basically stating that black people have no touch with reality or awareness of their surroundings. He uses this to justify blacks’ “vivid sex life”, which shows how racist and uniformed whites can be about blacks’ way of living. As Griffin is in a car with a man in
Montgomery the man states, “‘We figure we’re doing you people a favor to get some white blood in your kids.’ The grotesque hypocrisy slapped me as it does all Negroes. It is …show more content…

The first sentence stated by the man vividly shows the racism and condescending feeling of whites on blacks. The white man thinks he is “purifying” and “helping” black women by having sex with them, even though he is not. This shows how little whites understand about blacks’ lives and opinions because they aren’t able to recognize that having sex with their women does not make them better off or “purer”. The use of “doing you a people a favor” shows how whites can do whatever they want and treat blacks however they want without repercussions.
Throughout history and the text Black Like Me, white citizens in America have been given many more rights and privileges than blacks living in America. The actions carried out by white people have been allowed and justified at the time, causing the problem of racism and segregation to grow and become normal. The lynching and killing of innocent blacks by white men throughout the early to mid 20th century show how the problem of racism continues to grow
Parsamian 4 and how whites are never put on trial. Since white people in America are above the law, it gives them a sense of superiority and dominance over black citizens, justifying the actions

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