Analysis Of Bartholdi's Statue Of Liberty

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Julie Quezada Prof. Yow ENC 1101 31 May 2017 Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty detail head The photograph of Liberty enlightening the world (Statue of Liberty), detail view of head, was sculpted by Fredrick Auguste Bartholdi in 1884, and is currently located in Liberty island, New York. Fredrick, the French sculptor, intended his masterpiece to be completed the day America signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 (The New Colossus). The image concerning the statue is focused only on the head and part of her arm, the full sculpture is estimated to be 151 feet tall and about four hundred fifty thousand pounds. America and France’s independence was a reason the statue was designed. The photo regarding Bartholdi’s design of the Statue of Liberty features a light green statue with weathering affecting its condition, is centered in the image, and carries a historical background, that includes three contextual thoughts. Primarily, the photo regarding the head of Lady Liberty is the focal point in the photograph that is being highlighted by the faded blue in the background. On the left side of the arm, one can notice a white part appearing. This is due to a light hitting the object in that direction. A shadow on the opposite …show more content…

Lee Lerner, et al., Gale, 2006, pp. 89-92. Gale Virtual Reference Library, url= Accessed 25 May 2017. "The New Colossus." Immigration and Multiculturalism: Essential Primary Sources, edited by K. Lee Lerner, et al., Gale, 2006, pp. 92-94. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 29 May

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