Analysis Of The Statue Of Liberty

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The idea that the Statue of Liberty represents American ideals and dreams I believe is connected to “The New Colossus”. They both represent a very important part of American culture, freedom. Although the American culture of freedom has drastically changed since the building of the Statue of Liberty, the main idea that She represents freedom for everyone, not only people who are born in the United States, but also immigrants from all over the world, will always stand by the people. It is not the way in which one is supposed to live, but the way that one wants to live. Freely and full of hope.
Many people see the Statue of Liberty differently, but they hope for the same thing. According to Paul Auster, “[The Statue of Liberty] was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but the ‘the new colossus’ reinvented it’s purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother…” (2005). In other words, the original meaning of the statue was to represent the republic and who we are as Americans, without immigrants and not as a nation with other countries, but “The New Colossus” made it into a figure of hope to the outside world of America. Many Americans still believe that immigrants should stay out of the United States, but “The New Colossus” states otherwise, and I believe that that is the way it is supposed to be.
In 1883, Emma Lazarus (1849-87) wrote the poem “The New Colossus.” It was later engraved on a bronze plaque and placed in the Statue of Liberty in 1903. This poem is meant to put hope back into the hearts of immigrants. Lazarus states in her poem, “‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… Send me these, the homeless… I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’...

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...ll the sorrows, the pain and circumstances people go through just so they can feel that same freedom my grandpa felt makes me even more grateful for everything I have. It really opened up my eyes and pushed me to take the opportunities put in front of me.
Many people do not quite understand the true meaning of freedom until they are in a position where freedom is all you crave in life. The Statue of Liberty and that little plaque inside of it are one of the many things that light that spark of hope that immigrants from all over the world count on to help them light the way to their dreams. People want their families to have a life worth living, and this magnificent monument and eye-opening poem can do this for them and reassure their hearts of hope, love, and freedom. In other words, the way America is meant to be, with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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