Analysis Of Abortion

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In the article Abortion As a Blessing, Grace, or Gift-A Renewed Conversation about Reproductive Rights by Valerie Trico, the author discussed different arguments pro-life advocates say about abortion. The author cites “Abortion is immoral. God hates abortion”. According to Tarico, is more immoral and irresponsible to bring a child into the world under “bad circumstances” such rape, teen pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies, where possibilities of success in life would be limited. According to the author abortion is a “sacred gift or blessing” that enables women to choose when to bring a child into this world, which at the same time will help their children to “flourish”. Tarico says that Planned Parenthood is a very important step that could prevent as much as “half of abortions in the future”. Tarico concludes that babies have the “right to be truly loved and wanted” and that parents should bring them into this world “when they’re fully ready to welcome them with open arms. In my opinion the author is right in pointing out that unplanned …show more content…

George, the authors discuss about how abortion is morally wrong. According to the authors “human embryos and fetuses are complete (though immature) human beings”. Then they address counter arguments that human embryos are not the same a person because they are not conscious as a person is. The authors respond that human embryos have the “natural capacities” although less developed to reason, therefore according to the authors it makes no sense to say at which point an embryo becomes a person. And the authors conclude that the burden to carry out a pregnancy is less than “killing” the fetus. I also think that is not right to try to label an embryo as a human organism or not a person, it is a human person and it has a right to live. But you cannot force women to carry out a pregnancy they do not want, and no one should have a right to claim over their

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