An Opinion on Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

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The Need for Understanding the Differences:

An Opinion on Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

In order to have a good communication, men and women have to understand and trust one another. In a book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus John Gray shows the differences that men and women have. Also, Gray points out plenty of techniques and ideas that men and women can use to make their relationships much stronger and happier. I argue that John Gray's book is very helpful, informative, and insightful because his guidance helped me to understand my girlfriend's temperament and differences. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus is a useful book to read and look into. The information which is provided in the book can definitely help men and women to develop special skills and knowledge which will help their relationships.

In the first chapter Gray explains that it is as if men and women are from different planets. He states, "Without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are at odds with each other" (Gray 10). By this quote Gray is saying that not knowing these differences men and women will have conflicts and frustrations in their relationships. Furthermore, most men and women do not know the differences between each other, and they end up fighting and breaking up. John Gray does a great job explaining men's and women's differences in the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

In Chapter Two, Gray explores men's and women's values and their differences. He points out two very important negative factors that men and women often use, "Men mistakenly offer solutions and invalidate feelings while women offer unsolicited advice and direction" (Gray 17, 21). Likewise, most of men ...

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...d me and gave me a hug.

All of those techniques can make a world of difference, especially those that have to do with improving communication. As Dr. John Gray explains, "These differences can come between the sexes and prohibit mutually fulfilling loving relationships" (Gray 263).

After reading the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, the relationships with my girlfriend have improved dramatically. I learned how to understand, listen, and approach my girlfriend in a better way. This book can help not only me and Valerie with our difficulties, but other men's and women's relationships. I strongly recommend that men and women read this book because it can definitely change the way they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need and appreciate.

Works Cited

Gray, John. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. New York: HarperCollins, 1992

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