An Investigation to see How the Concentration of Hydrochloric acid affects the Rate of Reaction with Calcium Carbonate

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An Investigation to see How the Concentration of Hydrochloric acid

affects the Rate of Reaction with Calcium Carbonate

I am going to investigate how concentration of hydrochloric acid

affects the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and indigestion

tablets which contain mainly calcium carbonate.

From my background knowledge from class work and books, (see

references) I have found out that if you increase the concentration of

hydrochloric acid, the rate of reaction will increase and the time of

the reaction will decrease. The concentration is dependant on the

proportions of hydrochloric acid and water in the solution. The

stronger the hydrochloric acid is, the higher the concentration is.

I know from my research that other things can affect the rate of

reaction, for example:

Temperature of acid- the higher the temperature of the acid is, the

more energy the particles have to move around, therefore there are

more collisions and so a faster rate of reaction. There is a certain

amount of energy needed for the particles to react which is called the

activation energy, so when the temperature of the solution is higher,

it gives more particles sufficient energy so they move faster to react

when they collide more.

Size of the particles- when the reactant is a solid then it can be

broken down into smaller pieces or into a powder giving it different

surface areas. The smaller the pieces, the bigger the surface area is

and therefore there is more area for the acid to react with it, and so

there is more chance of the particles colliding, so the rate of

reaction will increase.

Catalysts- this weakens the bonds in the reacting molecules so it

seems to lower the activation energy for the reaction. This means that

there can be many more successful collisions because particles will

have more energy than the activation energy, and so the reaction will

be faster.

In order to keep my experiment fair, I must keep all the variables the

same except concentration, which is what I am investigating.

From my preliminarty experiments, I have found that a gas is let off

in this reaction and having testing by putting it with lime water, I

have concluded that the gas is carbon dioxide because the lime water

turned cloudy.

The equation is:

Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric acid Calcium Chloride + water

+ carbon dioxide

To find the rate of reaction, I will measure how long it takes to

produce a certain amount of gas. To work out the rate of reaction, I

have to divide the amount of gas I will collect with the time.

Rate= amount of gas collected/ time

In order to make this experiment fair, I will keep all the variables

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