An Inspector Call's Essay

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Inspector call's chose a scene of the play which is dramatically effective. show how this contributes to the overall understanding of the key theme(s) of the play.
Inspector call's is a thought provoking play written by J.B Pristely it is set in the 1912. The play is about a family called the Birlings who have all misused their powers and have done something morally wrong at some point in the play. They are all at a family dinner pary celebratig their daughter's engagement. When a inspector comes in and starts interogating them about the succide of a pretty young working class women. This play has a scene in it which is dramatically effective to contribute to the overall understanding of the key theme of the play. In this essay I will be …show more content…

The inspector does not let her away with this. In this way,the writer uses the writer to show how class snobbery should not be an excuse to ignore what is right. Using the Inspector in this way is effective because the shows us how he will not back down even when challenged. When asked to apologise to Mrs Birling he responds, "Apologise for what doing my duty". The writer has shown him as a strong character throughout the play- he often challenges and interupts. This proving to the audience that there is another approach that society can take: we do not need to bow down to class snobery.

In this scene the writer repeats to a technique that he uses in other important parts of the play, by using the inspector this way in a number of occasions, most noticeably in his final speech when he talks about
"millions and millions of Eva Smith and Jhon Smiths still left with us."
Such speech unashmedly clearly shows the theme to the audienece, that we must ensure a true sense of social responsibility.The message is also the socialist principle,echoing priestly's beliefs in the voice of the inspector.

The writer then uses Mrs Birling's character to emphasis how social class snobbery prevents us from showing true social responsibility.
"Mrs B: First she called herself Mrs Birling.... I think it was simply a piece of gross impertience quite dileberate- and naturally that was one of the things that prejudiced me against her case." …show more content…

This is a very effective technique because it is showing the reader that Mrs Birling was refusing to take responsibility for her actions and tries to blame the entire situation on the boy. However has not realised the trouble that she has put her son in trouble. Finally, the writer effecively shows the audience how the lack of social responsibility shown by the Birling family creates great distress for themselves. Mrs Birling refused to help Eva Smith when she was pregnant with Eric's child which was her grand child and when she reliased this then the feeling of killing her grandad will haunt her forever. You killed them both- damn you - damn you". This quote is again also heighlighting the fact that this incident may have a negative impact on the relationship between Eric and Mrs Birling because she is responsible for the death of his child and this quote convey's an angry tone which shows Eric's annoyance at his

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