An Analysis Of The Kuleshov Effect

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Motivational Essay & Journal Synopsis: A man who is the lead role in a stage play has gone to fetch his costume and get his makeup done before his show. The man does not realize that he locked his car keys, phone, and wallet inside his locked car. This man must now get over his insecurities and fears in order to overcome this obstacle and finally break into the car in order to make it to his show on time.

Concept: Man prioritizes his career over his insecurities and self-doubt in order to achieve his goal.

“Video editing is the process of manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work. Editing is usually considered to be one part of the post production process — other post-production tasks include titling, colour correction, sound mixing, etc.” (, 2017). With this quote in mind, I believe that a film is born in the edit, as editing allows filmmakers to incorporate, take out, and manipulate footage seamlessly (if done correctly), to divulge a narrative.
Subtext is the underlining connotations of a story. This can be utilized to add tension, legitimacy, or to uncover …show more content…

The Kuleshov effect is the theory, Lev Kuleshov, created after an experiment he did to prove that editing creates meaning. In regards to my narrative, I will be using the effect to let the audience dive into the protagonist’s mind when he is frustrated. Every time the protagonist fails to enter his car, there will be a scene where he is sitting on a curb trying to think of a new way to get into his car, and when he fails, the camera will look at the dashboard of the car to emphasize that he becoming increasingly late for his show. I believe our audience, early on in the film, will think that the protagonist will definitely be able to make the show since he still has time to, but will soon find out with every attempt he does, that he actually might miss it. (Russell,

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