An Analysis Of Mackkleore's 'Same Love'

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Today, we are more than used to living a liberal, open-minded lifestyle, in communities that make us feel safe to express ourselves without being, judged or mistreated by anyone. Hasn’t it always been that way? Yes, for most of us, but that doesn’t count the whole. Society is and always will be ever-changing, yet we don’t always notice it. Twenty years ago, the typical representation of a thirty-year-old man would have been utterly monotonous, yet nowadays, there is probably not one correct or socially accepted way of generalizing a specific group of people. With these changes have come great movements and waves of changes including that of the LGBT community. This created the need for messages to be spread through the media, intended to reach everyone who creates or makes up part of the problem, one of which includes Macklemore’s “Same …show more content…

The song itself is named “Same Love” which, based on the targeted audience, would be interpreted and understood to be a linked in some sort of way to LGBT rights, which is exactly what the song is about. He does this by telling the story of a sexually confused child, who has been told by his surrounding society, that his personality matches that of the socially accepted gay image, which will be condemned by many. It is evident that Macklemore was very prudent and meticulous when writing these lyrics, wording each line to perfection and using disparate points of view to emphasize his viewpoint, and ultimately, to support the fight against

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