Amy Tan Allusions

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Allusions are crucial in “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan. An allusion is a reference to a well- known person, place, or event. “Two Kinds” uses a handful of them to enhance the meaning of the story and to help the reader grasp the events that are unfolding. Two major allusions in “Two Kinds” are Shirley Temple and Peter Pan. The references to Shirley Temple and Peter Pan are used by the narrator and characters to improve the story. Allusions are very important. First in “Two Kinds”, Peter Pan was brought up after the fixture of Jing-Mei’s failed Shirley Temple hairstyle. He was used as something related to a backup excuse for Jing-Mei without being introduced to the reader as so. “Peter Pan is very popular these days” (Tan 70). Peter Pan was used in

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