American Revolution Dbq

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In the late 1700’s, some American colonies were beginning to resist British rule . The American Revolution was fought in the 13 British colonies in North America for the right to be independent. Leading up to the Revolution, the colonists had been mistreated by the British. They had been taxed without a say in Parliament and were in general treated as inferior to the British. Many of the acts that British rulers passed, such as the Quartering act, made the colonists feel as though they were not being treated as actual englishmen and instead as people who were below the British. The American revolution was caused by the mistreatment of the colonies, taxation without the consent of the colonists and lack of representation in the British government. …show more content…

The 1765 Resolution of the Town of Braintree, Massachusetts stated “no freeman should be subject to any tax to which he has not given his own consent”. This is in response to the Stamp act, which was an indirect tax on all paper materials. The colonists saw it unfair that they were being taxed even though they had no say in whether or not they should be taxed. George Greenville, a British official, talked about how the British fought a war for the colonists and it seemed only right that the colonists pay taxes to help regain the money spent on the war. The colonists, however, thought that in order to pay taxes, they needed to have a say in Parliament, even if the British had lost a lot of money in a war to protect

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