America By Claude Mckay Essay

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Imagine living where society is against you, and everyone is quick to make to make judgements about you because of your appearance. This is what Claude McKay lived through, and it led him to write “America.” “America” was first released in the Liberator, a newspaper supporting abolition that was founded in the 1930s. The poem was released in 1921, when segregation was common and years after The Birth of a Nation was released. In Claude McKay’s “America”, the audience can see how McKay has experienced racism through his life, how the American culture has a negative view of race, and how society is going to be slow to change. Claude McKay reflects on the racism he has experienced in his life in ¨America.¨ McKay was born in Jamaica, where he first found an interest in literature and writing. He moved to the United States to attend college and further his studies of literature and writing. When he first arrived in Charleston, he experienced racism …show more content…

In ¨America,” he writes ¨Giving me strength to erect against her hate, her bigness sweeps me like a flood,¨(lines 6-7). He shows how it is the entire culture of the country that is against African-Americans by labeling the country as “her.” The whole country is what “sweeps [McKay] like a flood,” constantly persecuted him, and shows constant hate. During this time the extremely racist film, The Birth of a Nation, was released. This film fueled the KKK, and it is correlated with its peak in involvement. With a larger amount of people in the KKK, violence toward the black community was now higher than ever. In the south, hate crimes were common and African-Americans received little rights. This was due to the introduction of Jim Crow laws. These laws restricted the rights of African-Americans, which were just received during the reconstruction period after the Civil War. The right to vote was now limited, and segregation was normal anywhere you

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