All Men Are Created Equal

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“Lula stopped, but she said, ‘ You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillum here---they got their church, we got our’n it is our church, ain’t it, Miss Cal?’” (Lee 158). This question from Lula directed at Cal shows the large difference in way of life between the upper and lower class. She shows that the upper and lower class do not interact with each other and do not quite get along. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, equal creation is not often seen in social classes with the large gap between upper and lower class, but this division between the classes can be crossed. The upper and lower classes have a hard time understanding one another with their large differences in way of life, but the position of upper and lower class is not permanent to a person. Higher class people see disgust in the lower class and there is often no connection socially between them. This disconnect is often seen in To Kill A Mockingbird. One day Scout approaches h0er Aunt Alexandria and asks her “’But I want to play with Walter, Aunty, why can’t I?’ She took off her glasses and stared at me. ‘I’ll tell you why,’ she said. ‘Because---he---is---trash, that’s why you can’t play with him. I’ll not have you around him, picking up his habits and learning Lord-knows- what’” (Lee 301). In the passage Aunt Alexandria does not allow Scout to interact with the lower class Cunninghams. This gap between lower class and higher class is becoming bigger and bigger. Higher class people look down on the lower class people, while the lower class looks up with disgust. Sometimes this gap can be crossed in charity work and most effectively with young children. They do not think about social class but just interact with them just because. This gap between the lowe... ... middle of paper ... ...upper class, but you can be born in the upper class and throw your wealth away and end up on the street. This way that you decide your own future allows the Constitution to stay true that all Americans are born with equal potential. America is a largely organized country, but it is also a free enterprise country. People are allowed unlimited potential in our society. The way America is, it creates a large gap between the upper and lower class. These upper and lower classes are opposites and are different in attitude and way of life. Even though they are totally different sometimes one can experience both classes in their lifetime. The gap between upper and lower class are wide but there are bridges over this gap that link the classes and let people to determine their own future. Works Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. New York: Grand Central, 1960. Print.

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