All Men Are Created Equal Dbq

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During the 1700’s the phrase “All men are created equal” (The Declaration of Independence) was a very important phrase and till this day it remains to be important. This phrase comes from the declaration of independence which is and will remain to be a very important document that was created so that the United States could break free from England and King George the III. During this time we are able to see that “all men” did not necessary imply to all men, during the 18th century we are able to see that the phrase applied to white men and white men only. A lot has changed since then the phrase now applies to all citizens in the United States before it was just white males and now it’s all citizens. This phrase has a lot to do with the certain …show more content…

In the declaration of independence with see this with the phrase “that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (The Declaration of Independence) it’s a truth that everyone agrees on. Everyone is and should get that right, because it is something that comes with being human. We see that everyone wants the same opportunities that the next person will get. The idea of popular sovereignty was important back when the founding fathers were creating the Declaration of Independence and it is still is to this day. When the framers of the constitution decided to create a government they decided to create a republic government and with this it meant that it would be a government ruled by the people for the people. (American Government and Politics today pg. 8-9) With this it is seen very clear that these two very important concepts are still being applied to the modern world because we still have the same type of government that allows the peoples voices to be heard as well as being able to vote and stand up to what we believe in. it is seen here,“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…” ( The Declaration of Independence) by this since the beginning the idea of speaking up on what best benefits the people was important and stills remains to be important. Without that the …show more content…

It is clear to see because the fact that they constructed the declaration so they would not have to be ruled under a monarch and they would be free to be the new world that it was suppose to be. The founding fathers were able to get that and more for us. One of the most important concepts is the concept of popular sovereignty because it's a government ruled by the people for the people. Our political culture seems to be just that we the people all have the rights that men had back in the eighteenth century but better because it's not just while males that have it now everyone is capable of speaking up on what they believe in. Just like the founding fathers put their ideology out there and let King George the III that they did not want to be ruled. The Declaration of Independence is very important for the modern american political

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