Alcoholism In Australia

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Alcohol is an issue in Australian society today. Men’s health refers to the specific wellbeing of men, including their physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional states of being. When one of these areas is compromised by an illness, disease or injury, a man’s overall state of health and wellbeing is at risk. Alcohol can be an addictive substance. Not everyone who consumes alcohol will become addicted. However, certain people may be more susceptible to addiction. Alcohol misuse means that you are drinking excessively – more than the lower risk limits of alcohol consumption. Misuse of alcohol is a worldwide problem due to the social acceptance of youth drinking, due to Australia’s drinking culture, and the economic side of …show more content…

It is an activity shared by millions across the world. However, unregulated or irresponsible social drinking could spur problems that could last a lifetime. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, “most Aussie kids begin experimenting with alcohol by the age of 14” (Lang, 2016). If you were to go to a 16 year old’s birthday at this day and age, you will see alcohol everywhere and many of these teenagers will be misusing it. This is because Australia has an acceptance of youth drinking as part of Australia’s social culture. “Australians consume alcohol at harmful levels. There are more than 42 million incidents of binge drinking each year. Each month 20.4% of Australians consume alcohol at high-risk levels. These factors can be enhanced by influences related to the social, physical and economic availability of alcohol.” (Allsop, 2013). Evidently, the Australian social environment has an acceptance for alcohol for youths. However, from these statistics, it is clear that it is misused far too …show more content…

For example knowing your limit! Space your drinks – e.g. one per hour (two at most). Know that not all drinks are created equal. (University, 2017 ) Although when you are with your friends, you will not want to do this but if you do this may save your life. If you get a stronger bond or relationship with your close friends or your loved ones they will support you and help you not to drink and keep you in a stable position. Another strategy may be to take a holiday; this will make you stop worrying about everything. A holiday is meant to be a relaxing time not waking up with a

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