Alcohol Informative Speech

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Have you ever heard of alcohol poisoning or have had a loved one, friend that had alcohol poisoning? Well if you haven’t then you’re about to learn all about alcohol poisoning. Well first of all let me tell you the definition of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is a condition in which a toxic amount of alcohol has been consumed, usually in a short period of time. Basically have you ever been at a party and everybody drinking and there is this one person that won’t quit drinking and drinks 50 drinks well then that person needs to go to hospital because he or she has alcohol poisoning. Here is the significance of alcohol poisoning or as you can say a quick fact about it. The affected individual may become extremely disoriented, unresponsive, or unconscious with shallow breathing and also alcohol poisoning can be deadly, emergency treatment is necessary. Have you ever wonder what alcohol and poisoning …show more content…

This includes the following confusion or disorientation, vomiting, hypothermia, inability to stay conscious, cold or clammy skin, lack of physical coordination, including unable to walk, irregular pulse, depressed breathing, seizure, choking, loss of bowel or bladder control, and blue-tinged skin, especially around the lips or underneath finger nails. This is how alcohol poisoning effects the body it slows brain function, starting with balance and coordination, but eventually affecting other body systems, irritating the stomach and causing vomiting. It stops gas reflects as muscle lose sensitivity and coordination, which can leave the individual to choke on their own vomit, affecting the nerves that control heartbeat and breathing, which can cause these functions to slow down, become irregular, or stop all together. It can also drastically lowering blood sugar, leading to seizures, lowering body temperature which can cause hyperthermia, and dehydrating the body, which can lead to brain

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