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University assignment about age discrimination
Literature review on age discrimination
University assignment about age discrimination
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1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - not yet lengkap – overall summary of our research
Our group research is based on age and gender discrimination in the workplace which involved study in men and women, also level of age between 18 years old until 30 years old and 31 years old and above years old. We have conducted a survey based on questionnaires which were given to 20 respondents with ratio; 10:10 of male and female; 10:10 of level of age between 18 years old until 30 years old and 31 years old and above years old; who are currently employed. Through the research that we have done, we conclude that some of the respondents have experienced age and gender discrimination.
Our topics on age and gender discrimination are not only targeting respondents that experienced these types of discrimination, but we are also targeting those who are currently employed. We selected qualifications, recognition, salaries and experiences to examines age discrimination. Meanwhile, for gender discrimination, we selected research on job description and employment, promotions, income and pregnancy.
The result of our research shows that age and gender discrimination does exist in the workplace. There are
A brief explanation has been explained through the end of this topic. Besides that, we also investigated theories connected to our topic whether these theories fit or not to our findings.
2.0 INTRODUCTION: What are Gender and Age Discrimination?
Gender discrimination is treating individuals in a different way in their employment because of their sex. Person who have been experiencing this kind of discrimination may have been rejected for employment. Employer who provides different working conditions such as salaries, positions or bonus to women and men are ...
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...efer Appendix). This is because employers’ perception that assumes women need to take care of their children and most probably cannot focus on their job task. While, regarding statement number 16 (Refer Appendix), 100% of them agreed to that statement because of governments’ regulation that granted women with three-month maternity leave. Lastly, for statement number 14 (Refer Appendix) 70% of female respondents disagreed because it is an unethical manner to give different salary because of their gender.
Works Cited
Executive Leadership. (2007, March). Maryland.
L.Nelson, J. C. Interpersonal Forms of Power. In J. C. L.Nelson, Principles of Organizational Behavior: Realities and Challenges.
L.Nelson, J. C. Principles Of Organizational Behavior: Realities And Challenges.
Lindsay, D. M. (2011). Social Theory. Retrieved March 19, 2011, from Social Theory:
Throughout the world, discrimination in all forms has continued to be a constant struggle; whether it’s racial, gender based, religion, beliefs, appearance or anything that makes one person different from another, it’s an everyday occurrence. A major place that discrimination is occurring at is in the workplace. One of the largest problems discrimination issues is believed to be gender. Women, who have the same amount of experience as men are not getting paid at the same rate as men, these women also are equally trained and educated. According to the article Gender Pay, it was discovered in 2007 that a woman makes 81 cents for every dollar a man earns.(“Gender Pay”) . This shouldn’t be happening in today’s society for the fact the society lived in today is suppose to be more accepting. Men are viewed as being more popular, valuable and having higher powers than women. The Reason Discrimination is involved in the equal pay equal work is because of the significance it has to how some businesses pay their employees.
Sex Discrimination in the American Workplace: Still a Fact of Life. (2000, July 01). Retrieved from National Women's Law Center : www.nwlc.org
Within business organizations, aging is something that is inevitable and unique to all people. Business practices need to be in the best interest of an organization, which is also inclusive to the employees, stakeholders, and customers in which they rely on and cater to. Best business practices, both directed and implied (regardless of the location) dictates that businesses follow and adhere to federal, state, city, and other local policies. However we needn’t look too far to see the multiple lawsuits that show continued and practiced bias and prejudice. One such incident involving discriminatory practices involving ageism that will be discussed within this discussion will revolve around a Texas Roadhouse restaurant based in Palm Bay, Florida.
Age discrimination has become more than a minor inconvenience throughout the twentieth century; indeed, the issue has become such a hot potato within the workplace that laws have been forced into existence as a means by which to address the problem. In order to help protect those who stand to be singled out and let go because of the unfairness of ageism, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was designed with the older employee in mind.
Historically, females have been discriminated against in the United States based solely on their gender. Gender or sex discrimination may be described as the unfair treatment of a person in their employment because of that person's sex. It is illegal to discriminate based on sex and it may result in negative effects on employment include pay, position and title, advancements and training opportunities or whether or not an individual is hired or fired from a job.
Writers John Stossel and Frank Mastropolo, both working as a correspondent and journalist in ABC News, open their article highlighting the accomplishments of Bruce Marrow, a radio personality legend who “has been on the air for decades,” “Introduced the Beatles at the New York Shea’s Stadium,” and “was credited with helping push oldies station WCBS-FM to number one” (Stossel). However, the writers ended the paragraph talking about how legend Bruce Marrow, despite his endeavors, had been abruptly fired without any warning three years ago. They then continue to apply the same scenario to Kansas City DJ’s Max Floyd and Tanna Guthrie from 99.7 KY. The main reason why Stossel and his co-writer had decided to brusquely end the first paragraph of the article, it is not to embarrass Bruce Marrow or Max Floyd or Tanna Guthrie, but instead, to identify whether it is fair for people to get fired, even after they help build a company, just because they are getting old. The writer’s thesis starts off effective, but the bitter, harsh tone undoes its effectiveness.
Gender, as socially constructed differences between men and women and the beliefs and identities that support difference and inequality, is also present in all organizations (Gender & Society). It has been known that most women have continued to stick to the traditional jobs because it is just easier to do so. They do it to avoid any hardship in the work place and discrimination when applying for a job or working for a company. Non-traditional careers and jobs for woman are hard to find and when hired woman are segregated to the wage gap. Class relations in the workplace, such as supervisory practices or wage-setting processes, were shaped by gendered and sexualized attitudes and assumptions (Gender & Society). For example, in the work place managers were almost always men; the lower-level white-collar workers were always women (Gender &
Gregory, Raymond F. Women and Workplace Discrimination: Overcoming Barriers to Gender Equality. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Gender discrimination in the workplace is something that both men and women experience, women more than men. For instance, the current gender pat gap is 21 percent. This means that women are currently making 21 percent less than what their male counterparts are making. It has decreased over the years, but it is still a significant gap. In the workplace, women do not only experience discrimination in pay, but also in opportunities. An article states that, women are deemed less communal than men and that makes them less suited for certain careers (Miner, et. al, 2014). This thought alone puts women at a disadvantage when they are entering the labor force.
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 is an act that was passed that clearly states that employers can’t be discriminate against someone based on their age 40 and older. The older adults are trying so hard to hold onto their jobs with dear life, because if not they will be nudged out and pushed aside. Not because of anything but rather because of their age. Age discrimination is on the rise as young as 50 years old. Age discrimination can happen to anyone regardless of your race, ethnic backgrounds or sexual orientation. A study was published in the Journal of Age Ageing and in the report it said that British People 50 years old and older faces discrimination about one third of them. In a resent survey older adults says job insecurity
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, as amended, protects workers age forty and over in hiring, promotion, and termination decisions. This project is going to analyze the ADEA and its amendment in terms of effectiveness, ineffectiveness, and influence which will be demonstrated by employment cases, research data. The project shows that the ADEA is not as effective as it suppose to be and its purpose of prohibiting age discrimination has not been implemented efficiently in workforce. The ADEA somewhat has enabled Americans work longer, however, it might not be the best
There are many forms of discrimination such as age, disability, transgender, and sex discrimination. This paper will focus on discrimination based on gender, race and age in the workplaces. All over the world, we hear about people treating each other prejudicially depending on their background, ethnicity, or sex orientation. Workplaces should be free from all personal biases but unfortunately, we hear about employees being discriminated against, almost, on a daily basis. Workplace discrimination can be described as treating an individual or a group of people differently than others.
Another study and test with the purpose to empirically test this hypothesis by estimating different effect of age discriminations policies on older women and older men in the work force. The results in this study found huge differences between older women and older men in retirement and employment, which lead to the point that more discriminatory laws should be implemented to protect older women.
Gender bias has a long history and continues to occur in the workplace today. Research indicates that women remain significantly disadvantaged and mistreated compared to men in the workforce. How do the disparities of hiring, promotion, and salaries affect women in the workplace?
In this paper, I will throw light on the socio-economic as well as cultural significance of gender discrimination in general, and discrimination against women, in particular. Along with that, prevalence, causes, impacts on the society, and strategies to overcome discrimination against women will be discussed.