Age Of Exploration Dbq

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The European Age of Exploration
We all think about how Christopher Columbus or Native Americans discovered the Americas long back ago. People have different opinions but what people don’t really think about is, “What lead them or caused them to discover this land?” Well that’s simple…The three G’s. Gold, god, and glory! They would explore and link Europe to other places to get a better trade system and become wealthier. Also, we all know that with great discoveries, come great glory.
The first “G”, gold, was an essential part of why people like Christopher Columbus went exploring. Kings and queens would obviously want their country to have fame, glory, and become rich. An example is how Christopher Columbus searched for it to bring it back to Spain and he did it by trading with native people, which was a great profit. What document 9 was saying is that many countries like and agree with trading because it would help and support them. But also, even though the new trade network was a success, some diseases like the devastating plague spread and killed tons of people, but that did however lessen the competition and therefore resulted in the few people that survived become wealthier and earn more money. …show more content…

And according to document 6, Europe at that time was Christian and wanted to spread that religion to all over the world and in return, god would give them a reward. They wanted to reach a goal of turning most people they trade with to become Christians. As page 1 said, Europe was mostly cut off and isolated from the Silk Road and only depended on agriculture. This led them into the dark ages and their Catholic churches was the only one cultural place with comfort and had common religious laws and gave people hope in salvation. It obviously meant a great deal to them so they probably hoped that this great culture could become

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