African Americans In The 1920s

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I believe it is time we, as a nation, start speaking about the truth behind racism and the origin of one of the most aggressive proponents against one race in particular. Hatred and abhorrence of the African American race spawned the birth of Jim Crow laws and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and many other racially charged groups. It all started in the 1870’s where Jim Crow laws were penned as bylaws that continued well through the 1920’s. With these bylaws in effect racially charged groups such as the fearsome KKK felt the need to strike fear into the hearts and minds of all African Americans in order to keep race separation.
Jim Crow was the name associated with the racial caste group. Which operated primarily, but not exclusively, in the southern and border states between 1877 and the mid-1960’s. The name was derived from a blackface character in a minstrel show. Jim Crow was a system of bylaws that was followed by millions. Whites were superior to blacks in all important ways like, intelligence, morality, and civilized behavior …show more content…

Joseph Simmons was the leader of the Klan. That didn’t last long , after a few months, there were more than 100 leaders. The KKK was the largest in the south. Many poor people thought that their wages would increase if they got rid of the black population. They thought this because black people earned a little less than a hard working white man because they had everything to lose. The KKK started terrorising the people they disliked. They used to march through the streets where black people lived and showed them what they could do by carrying blazing torches and crosses. The Ku Klux Klan went on for years doing the same thing over the the whole southern part of the United States. It finally subsided around 1960 when the Civil Rights Act started but it still goes on today. Unlike today there was a lot of lynching and unspeakable acts happening back

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