African American Factory Workers

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In the late 1700s, England revolutionized the world by creating machines. These machines caused factories to be built which then caused the need for workers. However during this time those workers were not treated well by the factory owners. Kids starting working at sometimes ages as low as 5 years old, and hours were very long. However, these factory workers weren't the only people who were treated bad, about 100 years into the future, 1885 to be exact, the Germans were holding a meeting called the Berlin Conference. This "meeting" discussed rules on basically how the Europeans were going to invade Africa, and what the rules were for doing it. Africans were killed, raped and separated from their tribes. That is why Africans were treated worse …show more content…

What the Europeans did to the Africans was way worse than the factory owners to workers. In the Black Man's Burden, Edward Morel says, "What the partial occupation of his soil by the white man has failed to do... what the Maxim and rifle, the slave gang, labour in the bowels of the earth, and the lash, have failed to do." (Morel, 1) This quote shows some, not even all, of the tactics that the Europeans used to try and drive out the Africans. The Europeans came and claimed land in Africa, they came in with machine guns and rifles and massacred Africans, they took slaves and shipped them overseas, they put them to work in deadly mines, and the Europeans tortured the Africans with whips. All of these strategies were very harsh, and way more severe than what factory workers had to endure. In addition, Europeans didn't even have to be in Africa to cause harmful things. For example, when the Europeans left the territories that they had made in Africa, there was a big gap of power. Now this led to many more problems because the new territories split tribes up, and also made it so that tribes that may have fought in the past were now supposed to be apart of the same piece of land. It's easy to see how this might not work out because if the Europeans give one tribe all their power when they leave, that tribe can go decimate rival …show more content…

However it wasn't nearly as bad as the Africans during European imperialization. First off, because workers had to start at a young age, they were very tired. In fact, in Life in the Mines it says, "It even happens that they lie down on the way home, and are found by their parents late at night asleep on the road." (Engels, 1) This quote shows how kids are so tired on their walks home, that they actually fall asleep on the road. Just take a moment to let that sink in. How tired would someone have to be to fall asleep on the road, and just forget about getting back to a safe house. In addition to falling asleep on the road, this tiredness led to more fatal outcomes. Here is a quote from the short story A memoir of Robert Blincoe, "He saw her whirled round and round with the shaft - he heard the bones of her arms, legs, thighs, etc. successively snap asunder, crushed, seemingly, to atoms, as the machinery whirled her round..." (Brown, 5) As you can see, kids being tired actually led to them dying sometimes because a lack of focus around this dangerous machinery could lead to death. Taking this into consideration some people might say factory workers were treated worse, however they had more of a choice than the Africans

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