African American Dbq

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Essay 1 White Americans attempted to integrate/segregate and control minority groups in the late 19th century by disenfranchisement, creation of laws and practices to prevent African Americans from voting, Jim Crow laws, enforcing racial segregation, and lastly, the Klu Klux Klan, an extremist vigilante group who used terrorization and violence to intimidate minorities. Poll taxes and literacy tests were implemented to prevent African Americans from voting. Jim Crow laws were supposed to be separate but equal; however, they were inferior for African Americans. The Klu Klux Klan prohibited minorities from enjoying their civil rights, and civil liberties govern to them within the United States constitution. White Americans attempted to segregate …show more content…

Jim Crow laws were put into practice to keep Whites and African Americans separate but equal, while employing inferior treatment for African Americans. African Americans were often denied the same educational opportunities, facilities, and political participation. African Americans began to demand that they be afforded the same opportunities as Whites. This caused a lot of racial tension in the south between Whites and African Americans. In Washington speech he stated, “Casted down your bucket where you are” Washington is merely suggesting to African Americans that they shouldn’t directly challenge Jim Crow laws, however, they should gain the respect and social advancement through education, hard work, and entrepreneurship. As for White Americans, they shouldn’t look for immigrant laborers when they are plenty of African Americans willing to do the work, while not causing the issues of immigrants. Washington simply wanted both African Americans and Whites to compromise with education and entrepreneurship being the first …show more content…

Yick Wo a Chinese immigrant was convicted in 1885 in San Francisco of operating a wooden laundry facility without a license. Wo, whom operated his business for twenty-two years without any issues. Wo, had previously applied for a license, however he was denied by the board of supervisors. There was significant evidence that the California board of supervisors had denied license to all Chinese immigrants. In 1886 the Supreme Court responded by reversing the state of California’s decision and held that discrimination was illegal and will not be prohibited due to its violations of the 14th amendment. The Supreme Court ordered that Mr. Wo be released immediately with all pending charges being dropped. The 14th amendment states that every United States citizen is guaranteed equal rights and protection from both the states and federal government without being discriminated upon. The United States previously passed the Chinese Elusion Act in 1882, which prohibited Chinese labors from entering the United States. Many White Americans feared that Chinese immigrants were taking away job opportunities from them. Zitkala-Sa and other Native Americans exposes their resentment towards White Americans due to them being removed from their land and forced onto reservations, and forced to assimilate to their culture. The Indians were removed from their land in 1830s and forced upon the

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