African American-Centered Perspective

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Comparison of the European-Centered and the African-Centered Perspectives The European-centered perspective is contrary to the African-centered perspective. It is aligned to the values and principles of individuality, independence, separateness, competition, control over nature and survival of the fittest. On the other hand, the African-centered perspective is aligned to commonality, cooperation, interdependence, collective responsibility, oneness with nature and group survival (Cecilia 376). Individuals who enroll in African American studies portrays different first impression on learning this difference, they learn the essential message in comparing the two perspectives and they understand the significance of the African American studies and are able to point out the areas of agreement or disagreement between the two perspectives. Cecilia observes that students portray different divergent first impressions on learning the African-centered perspective which is different from their ascribed European-centered perspective. The main first impression portrayed include disgust, joy, disbelief, and anger (378). The essential message of comparing European-centered perspective with an African-centered perspective is that people of African descent have their distinct history, …show more content…

The African American Studies plays a significant role in teaching the history, values, and principles of people of African descent correcting their disorientation. The view of African and African American as people of no history, deficient and with inferior culture to that of the White is changed. The comparison of the European-centered and African-centered perspective helps individuals to adopt a positive attitude towards people of African descent and they are able to appreciate their origin and engage with the African-centered literature

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