Reflection On African Americans

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In this reflective essay, it displays the honest truth of how African Americans are treated in America. Many people base their perceptions towards black men or women because of incidents that they have seen in the media. When white people or any other race commit violent acts, most don’t even care or change their views. Stereotypes can also affect the way that we see people. If we have never met or been friends with someone that society talks down on then we will believe everything that we hear. This is why Staples was treated as a criminal.
Everyone just assumed that since he was black and walking in an impoverished part of downtown, that he was automatically the bad guy. Growing up in some families it is common for parents to tell their children that black people are dangerous and you should always be cautious. I didn’t get brought up that way, so I don’t understand how people can naturally put someone in a box with a label on it. It doesn’t matter what race you are, if someone wants to commit a crime then they will do it. …show more content…

It's really nerve-racking for mostly women but some men whenever you are all alone and appear defenseless. We have to be constantly aware of our surroundings because there's always a chance of being raped, mugged, or captured. Sadly this happens more often than it should. Men in general may just have to accept it and not take women running or walking faster in the wrong way. Most likely we will continue to be afraid, not to personally victimize someone, just to be cautious because we have

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